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The following contains a list of notable changes in Dispatcher Paragon Cloud.


+ Added feature
x Improved/changed feature
- Bug fixed

3.10.0 [2020-11-27]

+ Added Search feature
+ Added Google as an authentication provider
+ End of support announcement for PC Client on Windows 7
+ Add option in UI to limit API key functionality (admin vs non-admin API keys)
+ Add ability to restrict API access based on IP address filtering
x Updated Sharp embedded client
x Updated Sharp client to support OSA 5.5
x Update Sharp embedded to support DNS
x Updated Sharp embedded to automatically redirect legacy configuration URLs to new URLs
x Updated Ricoh SDK/J embedded client
x Updated finishing options for HP devices
x Updated finishing options for KM devices
x Enhanced XSS protection in Web UI
- Fixed translations in Sharp embedded
- Fixed issues with Run in Separate JVM
- Fixed timeout issue for printing large documents
- Fixed cosmetic issue with PC Client for Mac

3.9.0 [2020-10-13]

+ Added Remote Update feature for Secondary Gateways
+ Added ModifyPersonalInformation permission
x Updated SAML SSO configuration to include SPID/Issuer
x Updated LDAP-S bind use SASL with SSL/TLS-protected connection
x Updated Konica Minolta OpenAPI embedded client
x Updated HP OXPd embedded client
x Updated Java 11 with option to conntrol max heap size
- Fixed HP OXPd embedded colour print issue
- Fixed HP OXPd scaling issue for small displays
- Fixed KM OpenAPI Short ID issue
- Fixed KM OpenAPI booklet margins issue
- Fixed reporting issue for PC Client jobs in local storage mode for multiple copies
- Fixed UpdateUserDetails API issue

3.8.0 [2020-09-09]

+ Added Server view for status of Secondary Gateways
+ Added Integrity Check feature for identifying configuration issues
+ Added Kyocera embedded client support
x Updated Sharp embedded client
x Updated Lexmark embedded client
x Updated HP OXPd embedded client
x Updated Printer configuration for serial number entry in printer details
x Updated Client-based authentication with increased maximum token header size
x Updated PC Client for dynamic loading of WLAN dll for virtual environments
x Update Java version to Java 11
x Updated Transport Layer Security to support TLS 1.3
- Fixed Lexmark embedded Short-ID error
- Fixed UI issue with authorise/unauthorise server UI update
- Fixed issue in MacOS PC Client for jobs outputting with incorrect settings when offline
- Fixed reporting issue for PC Client jobs in local storage mode for multiple copies

3.7.0 [2020-08-06]

+ Added Group synchronisation for Client-based authentication
x Updated Ricoh SOP embedded client
x Updated Konica Minolta OpenAPI embedded client
x Updated Konica Minolta IWS embedded client
x Updated MDM option to be able to run on Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Primary servers (on-premise)
x Updated PC Client DLLs for Windows 7 (32-bit)
x Updated HP Workpath and KM IWS Reporting to include Department
x Updated Dispatcher Paragon Cloud zLinux version for backwards compatibility with RHEL7
x Updated Web UI with server view, tabs and path
- Fixed login timeout for Ricoh embedded
- Fixed KM OpenAPI embedded for usernames longer than 39 characters
- Fixed KM IWS scan issue on IT6 devices for paths containing “\..”
- Fixed authentication error on Sharp embedded
- Fixed login error for Ricoh SLNX when password includes “%”
- Fixed Dispatcher Paragon Cloud logs for Ricoh SLNX password issue
- Fixed “Color” attribute error in Dispatcher Paragon Cloud triggers

3.6.0 [2020-07-07]

x Updated Mobile gateway API to retrieve copy, scan and print reporting for downloaded jobs
x Improved caching for tree and keystores for improved server start-up time
x Implemented database cache pre-loading for all entities
x Added keystore initialisation before server start to improve start-up performance
x Updated Java8 to latest
x Added support for Microsoft Graph API for Azure authentication
x Default value for “Use Separate JVM” updated to “off” for unattended install
x Updated Lexmark embedded client
x Updated HP OXPD client
x Added SNMP community name setting for HP OXPD embedded configuration
- Fixed overlapping keyboard issue in HP OXPD client
- Updated refo file import script with department attribute
- Fixed Oracle DB column issue for refo file import

3.5.0 [2020-06-09]

+ Added Audit Log to capture user and system actions
+ Option to create embedded configuration during printer configuration
+ Card management permission created to specifically enable deletion of Card IDs
+ Added configuration option for KM IWS embedded UI buttons
+ Added access to native functions and other apps fo KM IWS embedded
x Disabled ability to delete authnetication service from Primary server
x Optimised dashboard loading in Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Web UI for imporved performance
x Improved keystore loading logic
x Updated API for local user import actions
x Inhibit end user offline/online notifications for PC Client
- Fixed error message for expired licence
- Fixed job auto-deletion issue in cluster environments
- Fixed “Unknown Publisher” error message on PC Client install

3.4.0 [2020-04-20]

+ Add or remove multiple services on Secondary Gateway
+ Option to create required ports during printer configuration
+ Option to add required services during port creation
+ Added option to disable “Store ad deliver via gateway” option in PC Client
+ Added “Media Type” option in Dispatcher Paragon Cloud unidriver
x Pre-optimization of print data for improved print speed and quality
x Updated PC Client to enhance hostname validation for trusted configurations
x Enhanced PC Client certificate selection options
x Added retry logic for improved job handling in PC Client (local storage mode)
x Added installer option for Oracle DB to skip configuration
x Updated permissions for rights on certificate creation and deletion
x Changed default value for PC Client Online Certificate Status Protocol to disabled
x Updated Jetty to v9.4.27
x Updated CURL to v7.6.8
x Updated PostgreSQL to v9.6.17
- Updated HP Workpath app (v3.3.1) to fix card reader issue
- Fixed job auto-deletion issue in cluster environments

3.3.0 [2020-03-10]

+ Client-based authentication for Azure and ADFS
+ MFA authentication from PC Client if using Azure or ADFS
+ Added disk space check to installer prior to running
+ Added the option to limit number of cards registered to users
+ Added description field for printers
+ Added option for choosing between PDF and PS->PDF on MacOS PC Client
x Changed management of card ID registration for deleted or amended usernames
x Updated embedded API with finishing options
x Improved logging for triggers and automations
x Added enforcement of output port permission to prevent logging on to MFD
x Updated PDF conversion engine
x Updated HP Workpath to fix card authentication issue
x Updated driver with PDFA conversion option
x Updated paper format specification for PC Client configuration
x Updated driver for KM for print quality enhancements
- Fixed A3 scan to email on HP
- Fixed booklet printing formatting on Konica Minolta
- Fixed Account ID changing in cluster environments
- Fixed error message for Scan to Email failure for KM IWS embedded
- Fixed short-edge duplex issue for KM IWS embedded
- Fixed conversion for PDF file on PC Client for Mac
- Fixed paper format issue for Ricoh Postscript2

3.2.0 [2020-02-07]

+ Oracle database support
+ Department/group reporting
x HP Workpath 3.2 embedded app updated for FutureSmart Bundle 4.10
x Added Print&Hold feature for HP Workpath app
x Updated UI for HP Workpath app
x Additional Role to view One-time password
x Configurable log level via UI
x Many improvements to print driver performance and print job rendering
x Migrated logic from Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Server to PC Client
x Added Postscript 2 option
x Enhanced security around passwords displayed in Web UI
x Added device family support for Xerox printers
x Improved performance on log retrieval from Secondary Server
- Fixed wrong version of PC client being shown Web UI
- Fixed My profile page not shown correctly for users with disabled `ViewUserInputPorts` permission
- Fixed API token field still has a value when edited
- Fixed SLNX Share Embedded reporting issue when using card login
- Fixed issue with margins being cut off
- Fixed issue with lost print jobs if gateway not available
- Fixed card authentication issue for HP Workpath
- Fixed scan to email issues for HP Workpath
- Fixed KM IWS scan to email issue
- Fixed KM IWS number of copies not being inherited
- Fixed KM IWS auto-logout issue
- Fixed missing characters on print from Ricoh devices
- Fixed collation issue with Ricoh IMC devices
- Fixed booklet print issue with Xerox device
- Fixed reporting issue with PC Client for Mac
- Fixed changes in DocOut service not propagating to output port entity caches

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