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Adding Embedded configuration and Ricoh MFD in Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Web UI

Before you begin, prepare the serial number of the MFD that you wish to add.

Creating the Embedded configuration

  1. In the Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Web UI, go to Embedded clients.
  2. If not done already, create an embedded configuration for Ricoh by clicking Add.
  3. In Vendor, select Ricoh.
  4. In Application Type, select Standard Gen 2.
  5. Optionally, enable Configure USB reader and enter its VID and PID in the configuration.
  6. Fill in the rest of the configuration according to your needs and click Save. For more information on embedded configuration, see Embedded Terminals' configuration.

Adding the MFD

  1. Go to Printers (Output Ports).
  2. Click Add.
  3. In Vendor, select Ricoh.
  4. In Model family, select Ricoh SOP.
  5. Fill in all required information.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Proceed to Cloud Terminal installation. You will have a choice of three installation methods.
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