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Configuring a pre-configured gateway

Instructions for installing and configuring a preconfigured gateway bought from Konica Minolta.

  • Connect Ethernet, Power, Keyboard, Mouse (optional) and Screen to the gateway and turn it on.
  • Log in using hcpadmin / eop as login / password.

  • Enter eop password again at the prompt to elevate privileges ( sudo ) for the guided install script and press [Enter] to launch it.

  • Click “Yes” to start the installer-script.
  • Click “No” to keep the default keyboard layout, otherwise click “Yes” and follow the steps guided.
  • CentOS is updated with all the latest patches and updates. This will make sure that Dispatcher Paragon Cloud is going to be installed on top of latest Rocky Linux security patches and kernel fixes.
  • Click “Ok” to customize the Hostname of the Gateway, please use FQDN provided by customer when DNS-setup is used.

  • Click “Yes” to change network-settings (Static IP, DNS etc.) or “No” if nothing to change.
  • Click “Yes” if you want to change timezone and follow the guided steps, otherwise click “No”.
  • Click “Yes” to start installation of Dispatcher Paragon Cloud.
  • Click “Next” to continue.
  • Click “Accept” to accept the End-user license agreement.
  • Click “Next” to proceed.
  • Select “Extra secondary server for existing vendor or customer installation” by marking the line, hit “Space” (make sure the * is moved to the selection) and then click “Next”.
  • Fill in with proper information about primary server and customer-account, click “Ok”.
  • Click “Ok” to start Dispatcher Paragon Cloud-Service. Firewall-rules will now be updated and the Gateway will start up.
  • When Installation is finished, click “Ok” ; then type ‘exit’ at the prompt to logout, then you can disconnect screen, keyboard and mouse.
  • The link provided in the last picture will give you access to Cockpit, a graphical web dashboard, where you can control CentOS setup and health status.

Please remember to update the gateway to the latest version of Dispatcher Paragon Cloud prior to authorizing, mapping and adding services to the gateway to the Account in the Portal.
  • The gateway is scheduled to run an automatic update to ensure all security fixes are applied on a monthly basis.
  • New kernel updates to the underlying OS are not updated. These need to be managed directly as some will require a the gateway to be rebooted.
  • Please ensure hardware gateways are added into standard change management processes to ensure updates required by the end-user are applied.
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