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Supported Clients

The following clients are supported for sending print jobs to Dispatcher Paragon Cloud:

  • Windows Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients with Internet Printing Port enabled, on the following versions of Windows:
    • Windows 10 or later
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 or later
  • Mac computer clients, macOS Big Sur – version 11 or later
  • Apple iOS devices. iOS 8.0 or later
  • Android devices, Android OS version 5.1 or later
  • Chrome version 44 or later for the Chrome extension

Supported Printers

For Dispatcher Paragon Cloud to send print job data to printers, a Document Output Service must be able to deliver data to the printers IP address on port 9100 or IPP (for more details see section Ports and Protocols below).

Dispatcher Paragon Cloud single driver capability is supported on the following vendors:





Brother(tick) (minus) (minus)
Canon(tick) (minus) (minus)
FUJIFILM BI(warning)
(limitations apply)
 (minus) (tick)
HP(tick) (minus) (minus)
Konica Minolta(tick) (minus) (minus)
Kyocera(tick) (minus) (minus)
Lexmark(tick) (minus) (minus)
Sharp(tick) (minus) (minus)
Xerox(tick) (minus) (minus)

Additional printer vendors are added continuously, so this list is not exhaustive. If a vendor/language combination is needed which isn’t listed above, contact support.

Dispatcher Paragon Cloud can also receive raw print data streams from an IPP/IPPS client and deliver to a printer using any printer driver.

For more information on supported devices, see Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).

Ports and Protocols

The following is a list of possible ports used in Dispatcher Paragon Cloud. Ports required depend on the features, services, and architecture used.

Dispatcher Paragon Cloud uses TLS 1.3 for all internal communication (see Limitations for exceptions).

Cloud environments hosted by YSoft

All public AWS data centers, used by new customers.

Only cloud hosted

(Client to Cloud) Web Administration UI

443TCP HTTPSClient Web browserCloud Primary Server(s)HTTPS/SSL Web interface of the solution. Replaces port 8443 on environments with standard port 443 support.
(Client to Cloud) PC clients to server

443TCP HTTPSDispatcher Paragon Cloud Client, Client IPPPrimary ServerAuthenticate users, retrieve printers, messaging exchange, send print jobs, and register as trusted endpoints. Replaces ports 2560, 7300, 7400, and 9631 on environments with standard port 443 support.
(Client to Cloud) Cloud terminal Integration to Server
443TCP HTTPSPrinter   Cloud Primary ServerConnection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, KM IWS Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2) and for sending scanned jobs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2, KM IWS Gen 2). Replaces ports 7400, 8705, 8707, and 8711 on environments with standard port 443 support.
(Client to Cloud)  Chrome Extension to Server (will be updated in following releases)
7300TCP HTTPSChrome ExtensionAPI ServiceChrome Extension communicates with API to authenticate users, retrieve printers, and send jobs to Dispatcher Paragon Cloud.
(Client to Printer) Terminal Deployment Tool to Printer
443TCP HTTPSTerminal Deployment Tool (Local PC)Printer

Connection for installing terminal over HTTPS.

51443TCP HTTPSTerminal Deployment Tool (Local PC)Printer (Ricoh only)
Connection for installing terminal over HTTPS
80TCP HTTPTerminal Deployment Tool (Local PC)Printer (Ricoh only)Connection for installing terminal over HTTP.
58070TCP HTTPSTerminal Deployment Tool (Local PC)Printer (FUJIFILM BI only}Connection for pushing configuration to FUJIFILM BI devices.
(Client to Printer) Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client to printers – print operations

For Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client in "Local Storage" mode:

9100TCPDispatcher Paragon Cloud Client (Document Output Service)PrinterA document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer.
631TCP HTTPDispatcher Paragon Cloud Client (Document Output Service)PrinterA document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S.
443TCP HTTPSDispatcher Paragon Cloud Client (Document Output Service)PrinterA document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S.
(Client to Cloud - Legacy) Legacy Mobile Print to server
7910TCP HTTPSApple iOS clientsDispatcher Paragon Cloud Mobile Print ServiceAirPrint print jobs from Apple iOS devices (secure)
9444TCP HTTPSKonica Minolta Mobile AppDispatcher Paragon Cloud Mobile Print ServiceAuthentication and document data from Apps (secure)
(Client to Cloud) Mobile apps
443TCP HTTPSKonica Minolta Android / iOS Mobile AppAPI ServiceAuthentication and document data from Apps (secure)
9444TCP HTTPSKonica Minolta Android / iOS Mobile AppAPI ServiceAuthentication and document data from Apps (secure) for cases when a connection to port 443 can't be established
7400TCP HTTPSKonica Minolta Android / iOS Mobile AppAuthentication ServiceOAuth authentication from Apps (secure) for cases when a connection to port 443 can't be established

With on-premises gateway

Secondary server to Primary server
443TCP HTTPSSecondary  Server / GatewayPrimary ServerA secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange and server API. Replaces ports 2560 and 7300 on environments with standard port 443 support.
Secondary server to printers – print operations
9100TCPGateway Document Output ServicePrinterA document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer.
631TCP HTTPGateway Document Output ServicePrinterA document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S.
443TCP HTTPSGateway Document Output ServicePrinterA document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S.
Secondary server to MFD’s – embedded deployment
161UDPGateway Terminal Client ServicePrinterSNMP management
443TCP HTTPSGateway Terminal Client ServicePrinterDeployment of the embedded client to MFD (all brands)
80TCP HTTPGateway Terminal Client ServiceRicoh MFDsDeployment of the embedded client to Ricoh MFDs
8080TCP HTTPGateway Terminal Client ServiceRicoh MFDsDeployment of the embedded client to Ricoh MFDs
8451TCP HTTPGateway Terminal Client ServiceCanon MFDsDeployment of the embedded client to Canon MFDs
51443TCP HTTPSGateway Terminal Client ServiceRicoh MFDsDeployment of the embedded client to Ricoh MFDs
8710UDPGateway Terminal Client ServiceRicoh, Lexmark MFDsDeployment of the embedded client to Ricoh and Lexmark MFDs
80TCP HTTPGateway Terminal Client ServiceHP MFDsDeployment of the embedded client to HP MFDs
7627TCP HTTPGateway Terminal Client ServiceHP MFDsDeployment of the embedded client to HP MFDs
10080TCPGateway Terminal Client ServiceSharp MFDsSharp OSA communication, only for Sharp devices with embedded client
50003TCPGateway Terminal Client ServiceKM MFDsKonica Minolta OpenAPI communication, only for KM devices with embedded client
8091TCPKM IWS Install Tool (local PC)KM MFDsDefault port for installing IWS from the IWS Install Tool
Embedded clients to a secondary server
8700SSLPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from the embedded clients running on the Ricoh and Lexmark MFDs
8703SSLPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from the embedded clients running on the MFDs (except Ricoh and Lexmark)
8704TCPPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from the embedded clients running on the MFDs (except Ricoh and Lexmark)
7301TCP HTTPSPrinterGatewayTerminal Client ServiceConnection from the embedded clients running on the HP and Konica Minolta MFDs
7302TCP HTTPPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from the embedded clients running on the MFDs
7400TCP HTTPSPrinterGateway Authentication ServiceConnection from the embedded clients to Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints
14080TCP HTTPSPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from Equitrac server for embedded clients running on the MFDs
14081TCP HTTPPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from Equitrac server for embedded clients running on the MFDs
14082TCP HTTPSPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from the Ricoh SLNX Share embedded clients running on the MFDs
14083TCP HTTPPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from the Ricoh SLNX Share embedded clients running on the MFDs
Embedded clients to Cloud Server or Gateway
7301TCP HTTPSPrinterGateway Terminal Client ServiceConnection from the embedded clients, HP Workpath Application and KM IWS, running on the MFDs
7400TCP HTTPSPrinterGateway Authentication ServiceConnection from the embedded clients to Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints
9444TCP HTTPSPrinterMobile Gateway ServiceConnection from the embedded clients, HP Workpath Gen 1 Application and KM IWS Gen 1, running on the MFDs
OMNI Bridge Edge Gateway to Microsoft IoT Hub
443SSLEdge Container Registry
443SSLEdge Gateway* endpoint providing content delivery
443SSLEdge Gateway*.cdn.azcr.ioDeploy modules from the Marketplace to devices
443SSLEdge Provisioning Service access
443SSLEdge Gateway*.azurecr.ioPersonal and third-party container registries
443SSLEdge Gateway* Azure Container Registry image deltas from blob storage
5671, 8883, 443AMQP, MQTT, AMQP over WSEdge Gateway*.azure-devices.netIoT Hub access
443SSLEdge Gateway*.docker.ioDocker Hub access
443SSLEdge Gateway


443TCPEdge GatewayPrimary ServerA secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange
443TCP HTTPSEdge GatewayPrimary ServerA secondary server communicating with the primary server API
443UDP NTPEdge Gateway* (or anything else you set on OMNI Bridge)NTP server (time{1-12} or any chosen NTP server
Mobile device to built-in DNS
53UDP, TCPMobile device Gateway Mobile Print ServiceNeeded for AirPrint via DNS-SD (makes only sense for Secondary Server)
8053UDP, TCPMobile deviceGateway Mobile Print ServiceNeeded for AirPrint via DNS-SD (makes only sense for Secondary Server)
(Client to Cloud - Legacy) IP card reader to Server






7300TCP HTTPSIP card readerGateway API ServiceIP card reader communicate with API to authenticate users
7303TCP HTTPIP card readerGateway API ServiceIP card reader communicate with API to authenticate users

Existing devices connected using legacy ports

Secondary server to Primary server
2560TCPSecondary Server / GatewayPrimary ServerA secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange
7300TCP HTTPSSecondary Server / GatewayPrimary ServerA secondary server communicating with the primary server API
Web Administration UI
8443TCP HTTPSClient Web browserCloud  Primary ServerHTTPS/SSL Web interface of the solution
Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients to server
2560TCPPC ClientPrimary ServerDispatcher Paragon Cloud Client in the "Local Storage" mode communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange
7300TCP HTTPSPC ClientAPI ServiceDispatcher Paragon Cloud Client communicate with API to authenticate users and retrieve printers
7300TCP HTTPSPC ClientAPI ServiceDispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients sending standard print jobs to the server
7400TCP HTTPSPC ClientAuthentication ServiceDispatcher Paragon Cloud Client communicate with Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints
8631TCP HTTPClient IPPIPP ServiceDispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients sending IPP/HTTP print jobs to the server
9631TCP HTTPSClient IPPIPP ServiceDispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients sending IPPS/HTTP print jobs to the server
Cloud terminal Integration to Server
7400TCP HTTPSPrinterAuthentication ServiceConnection from the embedded clients to Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints
8705HTTPSPrinterTerminal Client ServiceCloud terminal integration (SQTS) – connection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, KM IWS Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2) and for sending scanned jobs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2)
8707TCP HTTPSPrinterTerminal Client ServiceCloud terminal integration – connection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs which provide scan data using SwA protocol (mainly Fuji terminals)
8711TCP HTTPSPrinterTerminal Client ServiceCloud terminal integration – connection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs which provide scan data using WebDAV protocol (KM IWS cloud terminals)
Edge Gateway to Microsoft IoT Hub
2560TCPEdge GatewayPrimary ServerA secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange
7300TCP HTTPSEdge GatewayPrimary ServerA secondary server communicating with the primary server API
JavaScript errors detected

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