Supported Clients
The following clients are supported for sending print jobs to Dispatcher Paragon Cloud:
- Windows Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients with Internet Printing Port enabled, on the following versions of Windows:
- Windows 10 or later
- Windows Server 2012 R2 or later
- Mac computer clients, macOS Big Sur – version 11 or later
- Apple iOS devices. iOS 8.0 or later
- Android devices, Android OS version 5.1 or later
- Chrome version 44 or later for the Chrome extension
Supported Printers
For Dispatcher Paragon Cloud to send print job data to printers, a Document Output Service must be able to deliver data to the printers IP address on port 9100 or IPP (for more details see section Ports and Protocols below).
Dispatcher Paragon Cloud single driver capability is supported on the following vendors:
Additional printer vendors are added continuously, so this list is not exhaustive. If a vendor/language combination is needed which isn’t listed above, contact support.
Dispatcher Paragon Cloud can also receive raw print data streams from an IPP/IPPS client and deliver to a printer using any printer driver.
For more information on supported devices, see Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).
Ports and Protocols
The following is a list of possible ports used in Dispatcher Paragon Cloud. Ports required depend on the features, services, and architecture used.
Dispatcher Paragon Cloud uses TLS 1.3 for all internal communication (see Limitations for exceptions).
Cloud environments hosted by YSoft
All public AWS data centers, used by new customers.
Only cloud hosted
(Client to Cloud) Web Administration UI
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Client Web browser | Cloud Primary Server(s) | HTTPS/SSL Web interface of the solution. Replaces port 8443 on environments with standard port 443 support. |
(Client to Cloud) PC clients to server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client, Client IPP | Primary Server | Authenticate users, retrieve printers, messaging exchange, send print jobs, and register as trusted endpoints. Replaces ports 2560, 7300, 7400, and 9631 on environments with standard port 443 support. |
(Client to Cloud) Cloud terminal Integration to Server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Cloud Primary Server | Connection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, KM IWS Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2) and for sending scanned jobs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2, KM IWS Gen 2). Replaces ports 7400, 8705, 8707, and 8711 on environments with standard port 443 support. |
(Client to Cloud) Chrome Extension to Server (will be updated in following releases)
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
7300 | TCP HTTPS | Chrome Extension | API Service | Chrome Extension communicates with API to authenticate users, retrieve printers, and send jobs to Dispatcher Paragon Cloud. |
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Terminal Deployment Tool (Local PC) | Printer | Connection for installing terminal over HTTPS. |
51443 | TCP HTTPS | Terminal Deployment Tool (Local PC) | Printer (Ricoh only)
| Connection for installing terminal over HTTPS |
80 | TCP HTTP | Terminal Deployment Tool (Local PC) | Printer (Ricoh only) | Connection for installing terminal over HTTP. |
58070 | TCP HTTPS | Terminal Deployment Tool (Local PC) | Printer (FUJIFILM BI only} | Connection for pushing configuration to FUJIFILM BI devices. |
(Client to Printer) Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client to printers – print operations
For Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client in "Local Storage" mode:
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
9100 | TCP | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client (Document Output Service) | Printer | A document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer. |
631 | TCP HTTP | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client (Document Output Service) | Printer | A document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S. |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client (Document Output Service) | Printer | A document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S. |
(Client to Cloud - Legacy) Legacy Mobile Print to server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
7910 | TCP HTTPS | Apple iOS clients | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Mobile Print Service | AirPrint print jobs from Apple iOS devices (secure) |
9444 | TCP HTTPS | Konica Minolta Mobile App | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Mobile Print Service | Authentication and document data from Apps (secure) |
(Client to Cloud) Mobile apps
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Konica Minolta Android / iOS Mobile App | API Service | Authentication and document data from Apps (secure) |
9444 | TCP HTTPS | Konica Minolta Android / iOS Mobile App | API Service | Authentication and document data from Apps (secure) for cases when a connection to port 443 can't be established |
7400 | TCP HTTPS | Konica Minolta Android / iOS Mobile App | Authentication Service | OAuth authentication from Apps (secure) for cases when a connection to port 443 can't be established |
With on-premises gateway
Secondary server to Primary server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Secondary Server / Gateway | Primary Server | A secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange and server API. Replaces ports 2560 and 7300 on environments with standard port 443 support. |
Secondary server to printers – print operations
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
9100 | TCP | Gateway Document Output Service | Printer | A document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer. |
631 | TCP HTTP | Gateway Document Output Service | Printer | A document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S. |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Gateway Document Output Service | Printer | A document output service delivering print jobs to a physical printer via IPP/S. |
Secondary server to MFD’s – embedded deployment
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
161 | UDP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Printer | SNMP management |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Printer | Deployment of the embedded client to MFD (all brands) |
80 | TCP HTTP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Ricoh MFDs | Deployment of the embedded client to Ricoh MFDs |
8080 | TCP HTTP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Ricoh MFDs | Deployment of the embedded client to Ricoh MFDs |
8451 | TCP HTTP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Canon MFDs | Deployment of the embedded client to Canon MFDs |
51443 | TCP HTTPS | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Ricoh MFDs | Deployment of the embedded client to Ricoh MFDs |
8710 | UDP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Ricoh, Lexmark MFDs | Deployment of the embedded client to Ricoh and Lexmark MFDs |
80 | TCP HTTP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | HP MFDs | Deployment of the embedded client to HP MFDs |
7627 | TCP HTTP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | HP MFDs | Deployment of the embedded client to HP MFDs |
10080 | TCP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Sharp MFDs | Sharp OSA communication, only for Sharp devices with embedded client |
50003 | TCP | Gateway Terminal Client Service | KM MFDs | Konica Minolta OpenAPI communication, only for KM devices with embedded client |
8091 | TCP | KM IWS Install Tool (local PC) | KM MFDs | Default port for installing IWS from the IWS Install Tool |
Embedded clients to a secondary server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
8700 | SSL | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from the embedded clients running on the Ricoh and Lexmark MFDs |
8703 | SSL | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from the embedded clients running on the MFDs (except Ricoh and Lexmark) |
8704 | TCP | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from the embedded clients running on the MFDs (except Ricoh and Lexmark) |
7301 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | GatewayTerminal Client Service | Connection from the embedded clients running on the HP and Konica Minolta MFDs |
7302 | TCP HTTP | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from the embedded clients running on the MFDs |
7400 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Gateway Authentication Service | Connection from the embedded clients to Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints |
14080 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from Equitrac server for embedded clients running on the MFDs |
14081 | TCP HTTP | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from Equitrac server for embedded clients running on the MFDs |
14082 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from the Ricoh SLNX Share embedded clients running on the MFDs |
14083 | TCP HTTP | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from the Ricoh SLNX Share embedded clients running on the MFDs |
Embedded clients to Cloud Server or Gateway
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
7301 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Gateway Terminal Client Service | Connection from the embedded clients, HP Workpath Application and KM IWS, running on the MFDs |
7400 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Gateway Authentication Service | Connection from the embedded clients to Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints |
9444 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Mobile Gateway Service | Connection from the embedded clients, HP Workpath Gen 1 Application and KM IWS Gen 1, running on the MFDs |
OMNI Bridge Edge Gateway to Microsoft IoT Hub
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | | Microsoft Container Registry |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | * | Data endpoint providing content delivery |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | * | Deploy modules from the Marketplace to devices |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | | Device Provisioning Service access |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | * | Personal and third-party container registries |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | * | Download Azure Container Registry image deltas from blob storage |
5671, 8883, 443 | AMQP, MQTT, AMQP over WS | Edge Gateway | * | IoT Hub access |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | * | Docker Hub access |
443 | SSL | Edge Gateway | | Platform |
443 | TCP | Edge Gateway | Primary Server | A secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange |
443 | TCP HTTPS | Edge Gateway | Primary Server | A secondary server communicating with the primary server API |
443 | UDP NTP | Edge Gateway | * (or anything else you set on OMNI Bridge) | NTP server (time{1-12} or any chosen NTP server |
Mobile device to built-in DNS
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
53 | UDP, TCP | Mobile device | Gateway Mobile Print Service | Needed for AirPrint via DNS-SD (makes only sense for Secondary Server) |
8053 | UDP, TCP | Mobile device | Gateway Mobile Print Service | Needed for AirPrint via DNS-SD (makes only sense for Secondary Server) |
(Client to Cloud - Legacy) IP card reader to Server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
7300 | TCP HTTPS | IP card reader | Gateway API Service | IP card reader communicate with API to authenticate users |
7303 | TCP HTTP | IP card reader | Gateway API Service | IP card reader communicate with API to authenticate users |
Existing devices connected using legacy ports
Secondary server to Primary server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
2560 | TCP | Secondary Server / Gateway | Primary Server | A secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange |
7300 | TCP HTTPS | Secondary Server / Gateway | Primary Server | A secondary server communicating with the primary server API |
Web Administration UI
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
8443 | TCP HTTPS | Client Web browser | Cloud Primary Server | HTTPS/SSL Web interface of the solution |
Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients to server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
2560 | TCP | PC Client | Primary Server | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client in the "Local Storage" mode communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange |
7300 | TCP HTTPS | PC Client | API Service | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client communicate with API to authenticate users and retrieve printers |
7300 | TCP HTTPS | PC Client | API Service | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients sending standard print jobs to the server |
7400 | TCP HTTPS | PC Client | Authentication Service | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Client communicate with Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints |
8631 | TCP HTTP | Client IPP | IPP Service | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients sending IPP/HTTP print jobs to the server |
9631 | TCP HTTPS | Client IPP | IPP Service | Dispatcher Paragon Cloud Clients sending IPPS/HTTP print jobs to the server |
Cloud terminal Integration to Server
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
7400 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Authentication Service | Connection from the embedded clients to Authentication Service OAuth service to register as trusted endpoints |
8705 | HTTPS | Printer | Terminal Client Service | Cloud terminal integration (SQTS) – connection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, KM IWS Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2) and for sending scanned jobs (e.g. HP Workpath Gen 2, Ricoh Gen 2) |
8707 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Terminal Client Service | Cloud terminal integration – connection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs which provide scan data using SwA protocol (mainly Fuji terminals) |
8711 | TCP HTTPS | Printer | Terminal Client Service | Cloud terminal integration – connection from Cloud terminals running on MFDs which provide scan data using WebDAV protocol (KM IWS cloud terminals) |
Edge Gateway to Microsoft IoT Hub
Port | Protocol | From | To | Description |
2560 | TCP | Edge Gateway | Primary Server | A secondary server communicating with the primary server for messaging exchange |
7300 | TCP HTTPS | Edge Gateway | Primary Server | A secondary server communicating with the primary server API |